1 October 2010

our beach :: blogtoberfest day 1


Well there's lots of snow on the mountain, but the days seem to be warming up again in our neighbourhood. The forecast for the start of October looks brilliant! Today we braved it, left scarves and gloves at home, grabbed the knitting and headed to our little local beach at the end of the street. Its been a while since we spent some time there. We're usually just passing through while the antarctic chill freezes our ears off. Big owlet spent the time climbing the big rocks and working out how to crack open mussels and inspecting them.


Little owlet was more interested in sand castles and wishing flowers grew on the beach before her usual "OMG I've been out in nature too long!!" response kicked in.


I was all about texture and knitting.


Today marks the first day of blogtoberfest and I've signed up again to join in the fun. One post each day. Might be a fun way to pass the weeks before our little one arrives. Might be completely crazy and have me tearing my hear out trying to think of things to blog while I'm retreating into my cave... Lets see...



  1. I have cravings for the beach now after seeing your gorgeous photos!
    I have also signed up for Blogtoberfest, my first time. I'm a little scared.

  2. the weather has been balmy here too - who would have thought that it was sub zero on monday!
    look forward to your posts lauren :)

  3. It was a lovely day today wasnt it? Thoroughly enjoyed driving with the windows down and wearing less layers. It was all because of my blog post yesterday ya know ;p

  4. Beautiful photos. Love those shades of orange in the cardi matching the lichen on the rocks.

  5. Interesting how your weather is getting warmer and ours is getting colder. Can I move in with you? LOL.

  6. I love the picture of the orange lichen. Beautiful colour I love orange......:)
    I was thinking of joining in Blogtoberfest as well.


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