14 March 2013

mini milestones :: the big owlet edition

Big Owlet went on her first solo plane ride today... She took a little stowaway with her #babushkagirl    @spiralgarden #spiral-garden @mandaflowercake

Her first solo plane ride. Her first time away from home for three nights. Her first time out in the big wide world on her own. She couldn't have been more excited...

A little bit excited about her first solo flight! || #anticipation #unschooling

A few nights in Melbourne with much loved and missed family. She would be taken to all her favourite places, taken to lunch and dinner... treated to new clothes and shopping trips. She would be reminded of the people outside our nest who love her deeply. She would return taller, wiser, more worldly, exhausted and homesick. She couldn't wait.

Away she goes... #bigowlet #adventure

We were excited for her too. And we held it together brilliantly... Until she got to the top step, before entering the plane, and she turned, like the superstar she is, and she waved to us on the other side of the glass. Suddenly we felt small and far away, and we glimpsed our future and how quickly it all speeds by... And we were thankful for the reminder and glad for our dark glasses and spare owlets to cuddle as we waited for her return.


  1. oh my, a reminder about how they grow so quick!

  2. I need a spare owlet to cuddle! I only have one... Makes it so hard to say goodbyes when they come around. x


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