It was all Tiny's idea...
So full of delight and inquisitiveness, her exuberance often leads the way, especially when it comes to sensory play. It would be so easy to step in and say no. But then you don't always want to quash that sense of fun and enquiry. Or endure the wrath when you ask them to stop... Toddlers. Sometimes it's easiest to just breathe and turn a blind eye...
Of course older sisters can be led astray. Exuberance is contagious. As are giggles...
And what begins as an impending sense of doom becomes a feeling of joy as they are led to play and it snowballs into the "best afternoon ever". One that we'll be
How does play look at your house?
Do you breathe and turn a blind eye?
Have any run-ins with polystyrene boxes lately?