It's been a while since I last read a magazine, or for that matter, a book. I keep trying, but I fall asleep after the first sentence...

And my waking hours are full of owlets with questions and wriggles and so, I don't read much...

I can manage hours worth of picture books though. So I've been making sure on our library visits we bring home books with pictures so beautiful, they inspire us all, or remind me of my own childhood when they were first read to me.

I'm loving the return to colour and simplicity and the detail. I'm snaffling away some ideas for our upcoming "arternoons". Big owlet has asked me to "teach" her everything I know... And so at least one afternoon per week will be set aside for art and passing on knowledge. Sharing my happy place with her.

But first, some reading. Who doesn't love a book about an owl on a knitting extravaganza?!

We've been playing with paper dolls too, bringing some old illustrations to life. I remember having this exact same paper doll when I was an owlet.

And now the owlets are loving her all over again. Yes, it is possible to sleep and eat with a paper doll. Just in case you were wondering.
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