Big Owlet turned ten this month... TEN! She woke up with a cold, so some of the plans she made couldn't happen as hoped. But we sure did make the most of it!
There was lego and her favourite breakfast...
A visit to her blossom tree...
A rite of passage... Pierced ears. After a whole lot of research and a visit to the tattoo parlour, she convinced them, in her own words, why the needle was her preferred method. And they agreed and treated her like the awesome human she is.
A ceremony... This time it was Big Owlet's turn. Her felt placenta, gifted to her a year ago. We found a three-way pear and found a spot in our orchard for Big Owlet's very own placenta tree, between her sisters' trees and beside her brother... After all these years, she has her own. Let's face it, it wouldn't be an Owlet birthday without placenta featuring in some way...
Rainbows, cake and wishes came next. And for the first time, Big Owlet played Mum while I got to watch and enjoy. And reflect on ten years of parenting one of the best kids I know... TEN YEARS!!
Now I think I'm ready for a lie down and a cuppa. Or two. How about you? xx