It seems that summer is finally here! Since the festivities our days have been spent pottering and tidying, gardening, lounging and playing. Catching our breaths. The owlets are running around the garden playing frisbee in their undies and eating yoghurt icypoles... ahh nothing better.
Sadly our neighbour's tree, the one that gave us all our afternoon shade and made the backyard a green and private place, blew over last week and today, what was left was removed. Its left such a huge open space, an empty hole and no more shade over the sandpit or our fave spot... On the upside, with all the melaleuca branches, we made a bush hut! A special cubby for the girls to escape to with secret tunnels.

There's even been time for jam making. Strawberry jam until the apricots are ready - not long now!

The other thing I've been pottering away at is my new
Etsy shop! I've been promising myself I'd start something by the end of the year and between the
market and Etsy, I feel satisfied enough for now. Just made it! Do pop in and have a look. If you're Australian and you'd like something, I'm more than happy to work something out directly and without US dollars confusing things!! I'm happy to do custom orders too, using fave fabrics or old sentimental bits and pieces... I'll be adding more things as I have time. Hoping to be adding screen printed fabrics sooner rather than later too! Let me know what you think!!