This unschooling business is so much fun! We get to the end of another week and I recap the things we've done and its really quite amazing how much learning two owlets can fit into what seems just another ordinary week... Of course they are learning all the time, but I'm always amazed when I wonder if we're doing enough and then sit down and remember what we actually did...
* Watched the Life of Birds. Discovered Audrey has a fascination with bones and fossils.
* Did some reading on dinosaurs.
* Excavated a dinosaur (well little excavation kit), working for two days straight with only meal breaks - very serious business!
* Visited friends in town and had tea parties in fancy dress. Discovered Audrey can draw bows very well.
* Had a picnic on the beach with friends and stayed the whole day playing in rock pools.
* Trawled around op shops and the tip shop finding fabbo books, toys and resources for our days.
* Visited old and new friends down south, for a play and to eat freshly picked blackberries.
* Had a picnic in the botanical gardens, lying in the sun and reading books, rolling down hills and hiding in trees.
* Finished reading Little House in the Big Woods. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
* Spent numerous hours working out how to read, count, add, subtract, write, draw and what, when, how, why, who?
* Many more hours daydreaming, playing, telling stories, listening, running, climbing...
Ahh freedom!