We're still here though... No, not in hiding. Just really busy. The rain has been amazing. Buckets and buckets. The backyard has a wetland/rice paddy thing going on. The chooks are not amused. So we've been throwing ourselves into spring - indoors. Plenty of cubbies and painting and SEWING!! Market season is here.

Last weekend we were at the Baby and Kids Market in Hobart. What a great day!
We managed to sell just enough to pay for the things we bought and a little extra for a block of chocolate or two on the way home...

About 90% of stalls were second hand... There's me in the bottom left helping out Little Snoring while she shopped around.
I put some new onesies out on the table... I don't usually do much pink, but a few people have requested it so its there for a short while...

And some cars that my little owlet is rather fond of...

So... the loot? Some awesome clothes and shoes for Little Owlet - many still with tags. I'm particularly fond of the tweed hooded jumpsuit and the shoes... She's been wearing a couple of bits of clothing, not in the photo, since Sunday. There's the $1doona cover for Big Owlet and a drink bottle and bike helmet too...

And although we don't go for plastic toys too often, we couldn't go past this faerie house... possibly the most value packed entertainment we've found for $5 for a while!