6 March 2009

My creative space

Its action stations at owlet headquarters this week! I'm working on the dining table for various reasons:

* so that my family doesn't forget what I look like.
* because its close to the food - very important lately!
* its light and sunny
* its warmer - its cold in Hobart this week. Hello Autumn!
* the owlets don't seem to mind me pottering away while they do stuff so I seem to be able to cram in more creativity. Bonus!

So all the bits I need have moved out here with me and dismantling the crafty stuff each mealtime is keeping me tidy and organised. My trusty old brown and orange Husqvarna seems to like the change. Ironing board is in the foreground - tossing up whether we've outgrown the cactus print cover or not... I'm a tad chuffed with myself today as I've just finished a little apron dress I've been meaning to make for years.

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