3 November 2011


Perhaps this is one of the reasons why we do it? It's certainly something that keeps me going on the harder days, when there's teeth on the way or a world so exciting it must be navigated via pointing and climbing and grunting from the safety of mama's hip... Yesterday, Tiny gave me one of the most special, simple gifts of all. A hug. She'd been wrestling and fighting in my arms, crying and clawing on the floor, for a couple of days. She's needing to be held, but always moving. Just like when she was newborn. And feeding with the same frequency, as babies do when they are this age and growing and learning so rapidly... I've forgotten to eat most days this week, to the point where I felt tired and unwell. I've let myself feel totally unloved and un-nurtured.

But then, yesterday, in the midst of it all, I cuddled her and told her I loved her. And she cuddled me back. For the first time. Two tiny arms around the back of my neck. One tiny hand patting me, as I do her. Cheeks resting on my shoulder, a happy sigh, and a long moment taken before another owlet distracted us from our cuddle bubble. And, so it seems, she loves me too.


  1. OMG hon our babies are sooooooo in sync lol. Only last week did Suspence hug me & pat me too! I melted, of course, so, so, so, soooooo adorable. Now he's all about the hugs & snuggles; definately why we do it. xx

  2. Oh! I miss baby cuddles and open mouth kisses. Cluck! Clu...ck!

  3. Precious. :)
    My babe is a cuddly one and it is sublime. My first was not a snuggled so this is new...and delicious!


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