Now that Big Owlet is four and a half (she tells everyone that, its big), she has become craft mad. Its our thing. We do something crafty together everyday. If she's too tired to be creative, she likes to watch me do something crafty and we pretend its like the good 'ole days when we had a tv and she watched playschool. Lately Little Owlet has been having naps and we've been using the time for a bit of big kid craft. Just the two of us. Its a really lovely part of our week. Here are two things we made last week.

A finger puppet that looks like a matryoshka doll. We shared the sewing and Big Owlet glued the face and dress on. She will need a friend, so maybe thats something for this week...

A dreamcatcher... well sort of. We bent some pipecleaners in her favorite colours and found some autumn leaves and flowers and sparkly bits to weave though. Its hanging over her bed now and reminds her of the lovely day we spent sitting on the grass making it.
They are beautiful, i was just fondling some pipe cleaners today and wondering what Jack and i could do with them. A dream catcher looks great but easy for even a three and a 1/2 year old to help with. Thanks :)