Along the way in our quest to consume less we still get that occasional need for some retail therapy. Or perhaps its just the excitement of finding something useful in the rubbish heap. Not sure... I do know that we love the Tip Shop! This morning Swayer asked me what we have ever bought from there that was useful. I went on to list a large number of items we have found among the rubble. Pyjamas, fabric, records, bowls and plates, bikes, my fave afternoon chair... Today we found some more fabric, a basket, bamboo placemats, a book, a spotty shell and a picnic basket we've wanted for about forever... all for ten bucks!! Love the tip shop.

We did some digging around the backyard too and found there are potatoes growing under the potato patch!
Hi Owlet! Thanks for your encouragement about my scarves! The tip shop is THE best place! I made my partner a birthday present from the bits and bobs I found there on Saturday...he loved it and one of his favourite things about it was that it was all recycled...I will put a picture on my blog! I have loved reading your blog- you sound like you have a lovely family who enjoy doing lovely home-y things!