20 March 2012

Inside our bubble...


We had an unexpected home day today. This year we're planning lots of outings and home days too, but a surprise day at home, when other plans fall through, can be just as nourishing for the soul as a good day out...

Home day... Feeling a teeny bit unwell and #snuggly... #cooking pikelets #babywearing #home

Especially when you're not feeling one hundred percent... Tiny Owlet and I were glad for a moment to stay inside our little bubble and just stop. Not that she ever really stops...

Big Owlets are making their own fun #science #bubbles

Fortunately for us, this was one of those magic days where the bigger owlets dressed themselves before breakfast and leapt into the day. They recalled an episode of Backyard Science they'd watched on iView, all about bubbles. "We really do learn lots from all that watching, Mum!" U-huh... Our neighbours, I suspect, are very sceptical when they see an owlet (usually in some outfit involving pyjamas or no pants), run to the letterbox and describe to them a day of T.V and bubble blowing in place of school...

But inside our bubble, it was lovely to watch them put all that learning into practice and go on to learn a whole lot more. Big owlet asked what ingredients she might need for bubble mixture. I told her where to find the shampoo, glycerine and water and off she went, mixing her own concoction. And testing it out. Learning through experimentation and play.

Bubble dome #bubbles #science #play

They played all day and amazed themselves. Amazed me! We all learnt loads today.

Bubbles #unschooling #science #play

By chance, my copy of The Adventures of Penrose the Mathematical Cat arrived in the mail and we read the story about the mathematics of soap bubbles... which explained why bubbles are spherical... and honeycomb shaped when all together... Which led to eating honeycomb and bananas and talking about a whole bunch of other examples of triple junctions. Then Huz sat down and watched some videos about bubbles with the owlets. More ideas and inspiration! Right now we have an experiment about whether the bubble power of soapy water lasts overnight... Yes, we all learnt loads today. Just a quiet Tuesday at home, doing nothing much....


  1. Awesome, we love bubbles - will have to try these at home.

  2. I love the bubble in a bubble in a bubble, and I love days like that.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful day of learning and connecting and chilling out. I love it when these sorts of days happen, just like that!

  4. beautiful bubbles! a nice day of doing not much ;-)

  5. Ah yes, glycerine on my shopping list now!


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