As much as we didn't want it to, Summer ended...

Huz went back to work. We felt like part of us was missing... we still feel like that a little...

I think we all feel a little bit differently about the world. The pace of life before summer, all the things that we (that I) tried to cram into it... The friendships we forged, the groups we started, the need to fill all our days with busy and fun and doing... It all caught up with us (with me) and I was so terribly burnt out. We were exhausted and sick all the time. I'm so grateful that Huz was here and summer came. We're approaching Autumn gently.

We've been slowly emerging from our little summer cocoon. Venturing out to new activities, making new friends, catching up with old ones. Remembering our old routines. Life is somewhat restored to normal. Or a new version of it, with a toddler in tow, rather than a baby...

But we are remembering to go slowly when we need to. Remembering to stop and listen before doing what everyone wants all of the time. Perhaps we are sometimes saying no this time round and looking forward to opportunities again in the future... There is no hurry.

We learnt to slow down this Summer. We learnt that the days are easier and more fun when there are more hands... And that time passes terribly quickly. Especially when you don't want it to.

We're keeping a little bit of Summer in our hearts while we move through the seasons. We're relishing the time we have when we're together. It's a good thing for Autumn that it's always been my favourite season...

We're preparing for cooler days, while relishing the last echoes of late summer... Soon the days will be short and the air will be crisp. We'll be snuggled indoors and rugging up to venture out.

We're looking for little signs of Autumn. Welcoming them when we can, with a certain tenderness. Like saying hello to an old friend.
Oh I love Autumn too. My favourite. I'm glad you're going gently, gently. Love to the owlet nest. xx