On Christmas night I decided I'd had enough. Half a pav will do that... So we began eating the last of the sugar and white flour products in the house. By new years eve, it was all gone and so we began the year without refined cane sugar.... We'll there is a little in the jam we've been making while I've been experimenting with sugar-free recipes... but that's it. For anyone who knows us in real life, you know this is a big challenge for some of us, particularly a sweet-toothed man who ate a packet of lollies and half a block of chocolate most days.I may or may not have been responsible for the other half. It was usually a blur. Something we did without thinking, usually when we were tired... that happens lots round here. We grew up drinking cordial and juice... so that's what we drank, aside from the tea which had 3 teaspoons of sugar on a bad day... those happened a lot too. Oh and we baked quite a bit. Cakes, biscuits, muffins... all yum and organic and fresh, but filled with sugar. Not great for any of us.

So we have worked on changing our palettes. We bought a small countertop water filter with cups beside it for the owlets to help themselves when they feel thirsty. It worked. Now they love water!! Juice is freshly squeezed.. no longer bought. It took one week for that change to happen - amazing!! I'm also noticing that we need LOTS of snacks, particularly for big owlet and Huz to get through the 3pm slump at work. Still working on that one, but nuts, popcorn and bananas have helped. Dessert is often a mango or some blueberries, or something drizzled with maple syrup or honey... Like the creation in the photo. Strawberries and whipped cream, with a drizzle of maple syrup - delicious! Or maple syrup and vanilla ice-cream - yum!! Oh and you can make the most delicious biscuits with just wholemeal flour, butter and honey - who knew?!! We are striving to make sure all foods we consume are whole foods - and we all feel SO much better for it. Big owlets tummy pains and weird skin have gone, dark circles and all. Our palettes are changing and we are noticing if things are too sweet, which is really quite a shock when you think about what we consumed before. There's no plan to stick to this for any period of time, just a 'lets see how this goes' kind of thing, but now it is becoming normal so I suppose we just continue along, hey?
Wonderful news that it's been so easy and successful and it's also terribly inspiring for me. After hopping onto the scales this morning, I've decided I urgently need to reassess my diet too!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to hear about any advances you are making in the sugar free jam making department. We don't eat much refined sugar at our place but find we go through a HUGE bucket of honey every month.
ReplyDeleteMight you be interested in the work of Weston A Price? We go roughly by that "diet", although its not a diet, just a set of studies about how native peoples lived and the excellent health they had. Can be googled.