I was treated to a rather spectacular day today. It's my birthday and from the moment I opened my eyes, it seems the world has gone out of its way to make it just lovely... Sunflowers! Sunshine!

Handsome, barefoot men in silly poses, upon giant pumpkins! And beautiful, familiar but ever-changing gardens to explore...

I just love the golden light and colours at this time of year. The crispness to the air. Favourite clothes pulled out to wear again... The BEST hot chocolates and pumpkin toasties, at our favourite cafe... What's not to love about Autumn?

Then home to relax, talk to loved ones, open parcels, read lovely messages... eat a fruity birthday tart for afternoon tea, followed by take away for dinner, from the lazy susan shop!

I may explode from the awesome overload. Even despite the fact that we were all in various stages of blah and illness, it was pretty amazing... I think the only way the day can get better is if I pop the kettle on and have a cuppa while reading a magazine and mulling over some pretty exciting new adventures that may be on our horizon... Yes, it may have been the best birthday ever. I hope you were out today enjoying it too. xx
What a beautiful birthday! And great birthday loot... It's mine on friday and I hope this beautiful autumn weather continues!!
ReplyDeleteSo happy to read this post :) Glad you had an awesome day! Looking forward to hearing more about the potential new adventures, too ;)
ReplyDeleteI hope it was beautiful 'til the very end and you squeezed every last drop of awesomeness out of it...
Happy, happy birthday to you, Lauren. It looks to me like you had the perfect kind of birthday. Isn't it just the best time of year to have a birthday? Love your loot and I look forward to hearing more about your exciting potential new adventures. xx
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, Lauren, it looks like a perfect day. I am interested in the new adventures too, what are you thinking of? My mind is turning to future plans for myself, Kaje only works part-time, and Flynn is now old enough to hang with him for a day, so theoretically I could return to a bit of work...but what? Where? More study? How to narrow it down? Surely it's time to decide what to do when I grow up? Ugh. lol It's amazing how much these questions are haunting me during my FB break! BTW I really love the pic of the huz on the pumpkin, very amusing. Is he a permanent barefoot type? I seem to have a few of those in my world. Clel xx