17 June 2010

my creative space...

Yeah, I know *yawn* but hey, I'm multitasking here! Actually, the owlets are in the midst of one of their busy creative benders, so this is about all the creative space I can handle right now. A little quiet time on the couch with the bump, knitting the new twosuh.

I have aspirations for a more exciting space next week, but in the meantime, go visit Kirsty for oodles of inspiration.

Edit:: Not two minutes had passed after posting this, when I herd the *SNAP!!* of my knitting needle as little owlet climbed on the couch... *sigh* and begin again... well it was a lovely few moments...


  1. sounds very cozy and totally bump friendly! ;o)

  2. What with all this bump and knitty stuff going on around blogland, I'm suddenly thinking maybe a fourth kid isn't so wrong afterall?

    (That sound you just heard was the slam of the door as the Mr headed for the hills...)

  3. Such a nice photo. Hope you could enjoy it while it lasted!

  4. Noooo, not the Art Viva knitting needles!! Oohhhh, love Posie

  5. Somethings are just never safe aroud little ones. Hope you get your knitting back on track soon.

  6. Teaching the bump to knit hehe... Bummer about the needle...

    Xo Steph

  7. There aint many spaces as creative as yours Lauren. Beautiful. X

  8. How exciting, another owlet on the way, and surrounded by such a cozy creative space.

    Happy knitting, it's certainly the weather for it.

  9. Love the bump, love the knitting, don't love the broken needle, bummer.

  10. that 'snap' is exactly what puts me off non metal pins ... ouch!
    My Creative Space


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