We're rather drawn to the odd celtic or pagan feast around here. Not only do they follow the seasons, but they explain the origins of many other seasonal traditions. It becomes a little complex when we celebrate northern hemisphere traditions at times that seem all wrong down here in the southern hemisphere, so it helps us put it all into place when we celebrate twice, with pagan celebrations and their connection to the elements at the correct times of the year. We celebrate Yule in midwinter, Christmas in midsummer as well as Summer Solstice. In spring we have Beltane, while Autumn brings us Easter and Samhain, or in modern terms, Halloween...

Samhain marks the celtic new year and the beginning of the dark half of the year. It's a time of celebration of the end of harvest. It's a time for remembering, reflecting and letting go...

This year, for us, it was a time for celebrating and welcoming friends to our table. We carved pumpkins, cut pomegranates, mulled wine and gathered symbolic herbs from our garden.

We bobbed for apples.

And got a little wet in the process.

We wandered the garden by lantern light, looking for faeries...

And we roasted a chook and our best Autumn veg, with the smells of harvest and home, as we dined by the fire. Owlets played and chattered and we filled our already full bellies with apple crumble and cream, thankful for the warmth and good company that will sustain us through the bleak months of the winter that are almost upon us...
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