So in amongst the reshuffle I realised there's a heap of artwork belonging to the owlets and me. Years of stuff I've collected and never sorted through, so I shall begin the task, spurred on by Cindy of kiss the birdie, who I went to uni with all those years ago. We each have a BA in Textile Design from RMIT and she's, in fact, the very same woman who introduced me to Huz! So anyway, I'll post interesting bits as they surface...
This is where owlet began for me. It was one of my 3rd year contracts, based on a beautiful book I was given on my 10th birthday, an illustrated version of Hiawatha's Childhood. This story board was accompanied by a range of prints and children's clothing... somewhat dated now, but I like the concept. I suppose its just grown in a different direction, as have I. The children down the bottom there are Huz, my sister and me.
Yah! I'm glad you have started and I'm really excited to see what surfaces. I found when I went through my stuff, some pieces from Uni were really memorable and made me feel warm and smiley, and others pieces...well, I don't know what I was thinking. Take your time and enjoy the process x.