20 January 2011

my creative space...


Still haven't got hands free for craft... I have ideas bubbling around in my head and I know it will be a while before I get to them. Frustrating? Yes. So I'm spending lots of time wandering around the place with tiny owlet on my back, looking at things I can get creative with. Like the garden. Huz can help with that. We plan to start from scratch. The vegie patch, sand pit and herb garden are being dismantled on the weekend. We have a plan that involves raised beds, more fruit trees, and a children's garden. I'm looking around for inspiration and thinking about natural playscapes. I'm looking at what we have and how it can be re-used. I'm thinking the bit of boat you can see in the picture might be useful, but the Snuffelupagus of grass cuttings might have to go...

More creative spaces to wander through over at Kirsty's.


  1. Wouldn't that boat be cool with a bunch of potted herbs sitting on the "shelves"? Looks like exciting work!

  2. What an exciting project! Before I had children I was a landscape architect (well, I still am I suppose). We spent most of last year working on our back garden, after years of sketching, thinking, planning. A necessary plumbing job meant that half the back yard needed to be dug up, so it was the right time.

    If you're looking for more inspiration, Tricia did a great post last year with lots of links for kids' garden ideas...


    Looking forward to seeing your updates - love the boat.

  3. I love the look of the 'bit of boat' - it has plenty of potential. The grass clippings will make a wonderful base in your raised beds - I would take off the turf, turn the ground a bit to encourage the worms, layer of grass, water, topsoil/more organic matter on top and your away!

  4. How bout using the grass to make a hill for the kids!? hills are good....
    I did a el cheapo natural sandpit a while back. Here is the link
    hope you have loads of fun designing your space.

  5. Hi Lauren, I will be following your garden project with much enthusiasm as we too are planning our garden to include a hothouse, vegie patch and fruit trees.

    take care and hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


  6. Hi There! you might like this link ... http://www.freeplaynetwork.org.uk/playlink/exhibition/ Good luck designing your space! Suz


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