22 November 2010

unschool monday :: life lessons


Well never let it be said that I'm not completely committed to my children's education. If I do say so myself, this spring unit study on birth and reproduction has been positively inspired! We've all learned so much!! Seriously though, there has been a great deal of learning going on around here despite a rather cruisy, mesmerised, baby gazing kind of week... Tiny owlet has mastered breastfeeding, sleeping and pooing with great aplomb. Her eyes are beginning to focus on us and interesting shadows and patches of light on the walls. Little owlet is coming to terms with being a big sister and finding a new level of independence. Her interests are mostly physical this week, asking to go to the playground daily. Big owlet is focussing on the academic, looking at measurement, currency and figuring out counting to 100 in tens, fives, twos and threes. Oh and the origami love continues. She made a paper cup smaller than tiny owlet's pinkie fingernail.

Its been lovely to watch them all at their varying stages and know that one day soon little owlet will begin reading and writing, big owlet will be moving onto more complex things as she masters the basics and tiny owlet will be walking, talking and doing all of the above... but all in good time and not too soon I hope!

Here's a little snippet of our day today. Tiny owlet's first foray into the big wide world...

If you are playing along with unschool monday this week, add your link below. xx


  1. Loving learning about 'unschooling'. As a teacher disenchanted with the schooling system, and wondering about how to overcome this for my own children, you give me perspective, and the desire to seek out alternative, better ways. Thankyou.

  2. What beautiful moments to capture. I am so glad to have found your blog tonight.

  3. Congratulations on your beautiful new little one, so totally precious. Lovely to visit your Blog today, Catherine x


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