30 October 2011

Homebirth Awareness Week :: the sequel


Things still aren't looking great for accessibility of homebirth to a great many Australian women. Its getting ugly in some places as people spin hate and fear. The losers in this, of course, are women. All women, who lose out as their choices and bodily autonomy diminish... *sigh* I worry for my owlets and what it'll all be like when their turn comes. But rather than focus on all that, I'm going to think about what homebirth has made ME aware of...


I'm aware that a woman's birth is her own and she needs to own it. 
I'm aware that if a woman chooses care providers, they must trust her, follow her lead, support her fully. 
I'm aware that there is no place around a birthing woman for fear. 
I'm aware that the language used around a birthing woman is so influential to her birthing experience*.
I'm aware that unhindered pregnancy and undisturbed birth can mean instinct takes over and perceived risk diminishes.
I'm aware that I'm the best judge of what is going on with my body and my baby. 
I'm aware that undisturbed birth is unlikely in a hospital setting, although hospital is a fantastic back-up, should I need to access it. 
I'm aware that a strong, patient, experienced female presence can be so reassuring. 
I'm aware that I have everything I need to birth my baby safely into my own hands.
I'm aware that my body does all the hard work for me. I just need to go with the flow. 


I'm aware that space to support each other unhindered, good communication and shared effort can be a wonderful thing for a relationship.
I'm aware that Huz makes a fantastic doula.
I'm aware that I birth loudly, despite wanting to be a nice, quiet birther... And my neighbours are either very polite or heavy sleepers.


I'm aware that babies really do just find their own way to the breast and this happens much easier if left alone.
I'm aware that having my children nearby helps the smooth transition to a larger family happen for all of us.
I'm aware that its sooo good to hop in your own shower and your own bed in your own time and directly after birthing. 
I'm aware that being where the kitchen is always open and where your comfort food is always on hand is ideal after birthing... And that first meal is sooo good.
I'm aware that a birth helps make a house a home.

You can read last year's Homebirth Awareness Week post here. And read about Tiny Owlet's birth here

* For example, after Little Owlet's birth, my midwife spoke to me sternly; "If you don't empty your bladder in the next half hour, I'm going to put a catheter in". I felt like a naughty girl... After Tiny's birth, my midwife (a different one), suggested; "you might like to empty your bladder, because you'll feel so much relief and it'll be great for your uterus..." That's much better ;)


  1. Great post about a very important topic. I don't really care where other women choose to birth but they should be allowed to decide where that is for themselves.

    Also read your birth story - good one!

  2. Beautiful post and pics! I should do one too.

  3. Really thoughtful and heartfelt. I didn't have any home births, but I can imagine how much I would have enjoyed getting into my own bed and eating in my own kitchen. And yes, the choice certainly belongs with the mother.

  4. Thank you thank you thank you! What a beautiful and sincere post.

    My second child was born at home. I will be honest, I was a bit nervous about the choice for a homebirth, but I had a wonderful midwife who gave me the tools and knowledge to make my own decisions. My choice for a homebirth really was the best decision ever! Such a beautiful and empowering experience. I can't help but wonder if my sons mellow personality is in some way related to his gentle entry into the world.

    Its so sad to hear of the problems in Australia, I hope that more women can access homebirths soon.

  5. Lovely post. Loved every statement you wrote. Thanks for sharing your words and pictures.

    I birthed my second baby at home a year ago. Was wonderful to be undisturbed and left to trust my own instincts and body.

    I've just written a Homebirth Awareness Week post too. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

  6. I adore these photos! Absolutely beautiful.

    I had both my babes in a hospital; the first time round it was awful, the second time only marginally better (and only because I was better prepared). As it turned out, even if I'd wanted to have a home birth, it wouldn't have been possible due to complications.

    I have read some wonderful home birth stories and feel so empowered and inspired by them. How important it is, that as women, we always have choice!!!!


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